Changes to odkd

5 months ago
Updated index.scroll
Changed around line 25: printTitle
+ Tsbsjsjsje
5 months ago
Updated index.scroll
Changed around line 1
- buildHtml
- // Your site is live on the web!
- // You can edit this file and click Publish to update your site live!
- // This is a comment. It won't appear on the web page.
- // The buildHTML line generates an HTML file from this program.
- buildTxt
- // Generates a TXT file from this program.
- title Hello world
- // Sets the page title for meta and printTitle parsers.
- metaTags
- // Generates HTML meta tags in the HTML.
- theme gazette
- // Adds a theme stylesheet to the HTML.
- homeButton
- // Adds a home button to go to your index page.
- viewSourceButton
- // Adds a view source button to go to the source code for this page.
- container
- // This line sets a container for the content
- printTitle
- // Prints the title of the page in the HTML and TXT output.
- // Put any content below
- Welcome to my folder.
- ****
- // Just a decoration for the end of the page
- scrollVersionLink
- // Prints the version of Scroll used
+ buildHtml
+ // Your site is live on the web!
+ // You can edit this file and click Publish to update your site live!
+ // This is a comment. It won't appear on the web page.
+ // The buildHTML line generates an HTML file from this program.
+ buildTxt
+ // Generates a TXT file from this program.
+ title Hello world
+ // Sets the page title for meta and printTitle parsers.
+ metaTags
+ // Generates HTML meta tags in the HTML.
+ theme gazette
+ // Adds a theme stylesheet to the HTML.
+ homeButton
+ // Adds a home button to go to your index page.
+ viewSourceButton
+ // Adds a view source button to go to the source code for this page.
+ container
+ // This line sets a container for the content
+ printTitle
+ // Prints the title of the page in the HTML and TXT output.
+ // Put any content below
+ Welcome to my folder.
+ ****
+ // Just a decoration for the end of the page
+ scrollVersionLink
+ // Prints the version of Scroll used
5 months ago
Initial commit from blank template
Changed around line 1
+ buildHtml
+ // Your site is live on the web!
+ // You can edit this file and click Publish to update your site live!
+ // This is a comment. It won't appear on the web page.
+ // The buildHTML line generates an HTML file from this program.
+ buildTxt
+ // Generates a TXT file from this program.
+ title Hello world
+ // Sets the page title for meta and printTitle parsers.
+ metaTags
+ // Generates HTML meta tags in the HTML.
+ theme gazette
+ // Adds a theme stylesheet to the HTML.
+ homeButton
+ // Adds a home button to go to your index page.
+ viewSourceButton
+ // Adds a view source button to go to the source code for this page.
+ container
+ // This line sets a container for the content
+ printTitle
+ // Prints the title of the page in the HTML and TXT output.
+ // Put any content below
+ Welcome to my folder.
+ ****
+ // Just a decoration for the end of the page
+ scrollVersionLink
+ // Prints the version of Scroll used