User prompt
+ A website that displays the donation information for various opensource
+ projects. Each project is displayed with its own image, a snapshot of the
+ front page of their project website in a series of four columb per row.
+ the pagehas a dark light toggle button and a modern materl style. each
+ tile for each project floats and the user scrolls through them. the
+ databas of projects is searchable and users can add new projects. when the
+ user clicks on a project it open to a modal with more information about
+ the project and links to their home page and donation page. the modal and
+ tile will also update with the activity date for that project from
+ wikipedia if available, (displaying active or inactive)
System prompt
+ You are an expert web developer. Create a website based on this request:
+ "A website that tracks the donation information for various opensource
+ projects. Each project is displayed with its own image, a snapshot of the
+ front page of their project website in a series of four columb per row.
+ the pagehas a dark light toggle button and a modern materl style. each
+ tile for each project floats and the user scrolls through them. the
+ databas of projects is searchable and users can add new projects. when the
+ user clicks on a project it open to a modal with more information about
+ the project and links to their home page and donation page. the modal and
+ tile will also update with the activity date for that project from
+ wikipedia if available, (displaying active or inactive)"
+ Do not put a copyright symbol or all rights reserved in the footer.
+ language that uses a single indented space to mark a line (aka particle) as
+ a subparticle of a parent line.